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Art Criticism and Writing
Spring 2023
Exhibition Reviews 1
Yasmin Al-Omair-Nuncio
Ariel/Jojo Banga
Hannah Comstock
Marienne Duran Henriquez
Celeste Gaudin-Rodriguez
Sammi Hudd
Madeline Kendama
Exhibition Reviews 2
Christian Mahoney
Ymari McCarty
Jasmine Nicole Plasencio
Sandra Anabel Rendon
Angela Self
Alicia Stevens
Kaylin Yanta
Artist Interviews 1
Yasmin Al-Omair-Nuncio and Victor Hugo De Luna
Ariel Banga and Michelle Delgado
Hannah Comstock and Celina Hernandez
Marienne Duran Henriquez and Alicia Stevens
Celeste Gaudin and Jose Antonio Vega
Sammi Hudd and Abbie Spillane
Madeline Kendama and Xavier Norris
Artist Interviews 2
Christian Mahoney and Emily Rose Lesch
Ymari McCarty and Taryn Alyse Grannis
Jasmine Plasencio and Monika Judith Garcia
Sandra Rendon and Marissa Arellano
Angela Self and Rahmon Alimi
Alicia Stevens and Valerie N Alegria
Kaylin Yanta and Emily Marie Treviño
Online Platforms
Schedule and Readings
Exhibition Reviews